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Monday, March 30, 2009

Alfresco 3

It was long time I've not messed up with Alfresco (about a couple of years).
I wanted to see how it evolved in these months of development.
So installed it.
Really smooth installation (a thing I like much) obviously for a standard with no MySQL DB (for now) but this is something that I consider a plus in a software product.
The product is, as I had the pleasure to see time ago, a really solid solution and is evolving in a complete solution.
Really like it.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Essential project installed

OK managed to install Essential Project for multi user configuration.
The documentation is well done.
There are just a couple of things missing so here are some notes on the installation should someone hit the same walls.

The installation environment is Ubuntu 8.10, Protege 3.4, Java 1.6, MySQL 5.0
All went correctly up to the metamodel editing.
Before doing anything and especially before converting it to a Database format make a backup copy of the metamodel files, since if something goes wrong you will not be able to recover a working protege_server.
First you need to create the annotations file for collaborative work.
These files do not come with the downloaded zip and you can generate them using protege:
Just open the essential_baseline_v1.pprj with protege and in the Collaboration menu choose "Show collaboration panel" leave the default option to create the annotation files anew and you will be proposed correct nemes for the annotation file (it will be created in the same folder unless you decide to change it).
Also you have to create also GroupOperation for Viewer and Architects so that they can DisplayInProjectList and give to the repository you create in the 8.2 step of the documentation also this role (otherwise you will not be able to see it and choose it once you connect to the server).
The annotation project the documentation ask to define will map to the files created before.
This annotation project should not be displayed in the project list so do not apply that rule on it.

Ok now is installed time to use it ...

Enterprise Architecture the open source way

OK. I knew I couldn't manage to keep myself away from enterprise architecture for long.
I must admit that is a topic that seems to me not so much connected to the real life in the IT.
In any case one of the big problems is that there are no nice tools to help you getting started and to do a good job, especially in the OSS world.
I found the Essential project and I'll give it a try, it has also good tutorials to manage to have a more real grip to something near the stuff one has to manage everyday.